Deirdre Toomey, LMBT, NC License #11494
Move Better. Feel Better. Live Better.

Medical Massage Therapy 

What is it?
Medical Massage Therapy involves the systematic examination of tissues to find Trigger Points, Tender Points, and areas of holding that may be interfering with circulation, distorting postural alignment, and generally creating or complicating pain in the body. Many therapists incorporate a variety of other effective therapies, depending on their education. My own approach includes Myofascial techniques and some Hydrotherapy.

How does it work?
While science does not yet have a complete explanation for the causes of pain, we have seen that muscle spasm, muscle tension, reduced circulation, swelling, Trigger Points, Tender Points, and unbalanced or excessive tension across the joints can all cause pain. By reducing muscle spasm and tension, clearing out the Trigger Points, improving circulation, and balancing tensions across the joints, the pain associated with various conditions can be significantly improved. About 95% of my clients see a significant reduction in pain after a small series of sessions, and about 80% of my clients with scoliosis have seen a measurable improvement in their alignment. 

What can Medical Massage help?

How long does it take?
How long it takes depends entirely on your situation, your willingness to do the suggested self-care, and the regularity and timing of appointments. For instance, if you've had an issue of chronic pain for several years, it's going to take longer to release than the pain lingering from a recent injury. Also, someone who can make frequent appointments is going to see faster progress than someone who can only come in every 4 weeks. There are also frequently affecting factors that may need to be addressed before the body can hold onto the progress that we make in sessions. For instance, if a client has feet that are over-pronating, which can exacerbate low back pain, the pain may continue to return until the arches are strengthened and/or the client can find some acceptable arch supports.

In an ideal world, where time and money are of no importance, many situations would benefit from beginning with an intensive series of 2 to 3 sessions per week for 2 to 3 weeks. After this period of time, we would re-evaluate, and hopefully begin to have fewer sessions with more time in between, until we taper off to either no sessions at all, or an acceptable maintenance schedule. Unfortunately, not many of us actually live in an ideal world, and so I am perfectly happy to work with you at the pace you would prefer. Many clients who are setting their own schedules see good progress with an appointment every 1 or 2 weeks. Progress is slower this way, but still possible. The important thing is to a) be consistent in doing your suggested self-care, which is tailored specifically to help maintain the gains made in session, and b) don't wait so long for the next appointment that it feels like we're starting at square-one again.  

Progress can sometimes be slowed by recurring factors, such as ergonomics at work or other activities, low or fallen arches, or even just habits of poor posture. I will try to help you to address these root issues, but your own dedication and observations will be invaluable to your progress.

How much does it cost?
I charge the same rate for Medical Massage sessions, so:
    $70 for 60 minutes 
    $80 for 75 minutes
    $95 for 90 minutes
    $120 for 120 minutes

Some clients will have goals that can be addressed in much shorter sessions. These are available only with my permission, and only after we have had the chance for a full assessment:
    $30 for 20 minutes
    $40 for 30 minutes
    $55 for 45 minutes